SIGN-ON LETTER: Oppose the PRO Act

Join the National Association of Manufacturers in urging Congress to oppose the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (H.R. 842).

The PRO Act threatens to hurt workers, threaten job creation and create adversarial relationships between employees and employers — all amid manufacturers’ effort to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

This letter is ONLY open to business and industry associations, state and local chambers and allied organizations. The deadline for this letter is Friday, March 5 at 12 p.m. (noon) EDT.

Please contact NAM Director of Labor and Employment Policy Drew Schneider at for more details.

Thank You for your support.

LETTER: Oppose the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (H.R. 842)

March, XX, 2021

U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Representative,

As associations representing manufacturers that employ millions of U.S. workers, the following XXX organizations urge your opposition to the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (H.R. 842). The undersigned groups represent numerous sectors and specialties of the manufacturing industry and share the same concern for the dangerous impacts the PRO Act would have on workers, companies and the economy.

Manufacturers believe we need to have a genuine conversation about updating our nation’s labor laws to support workers and better reflect the modern manufacturing workplace. However, the PRO Act would only hurt workers, threaten job creation and create adversarial relationships between employees and employers.

The PRO Act is a misguided attempt to fundamentally restructure American workplaces and would infringe on workers’ rights to a secret ballot, workplace democracy and personal privacy. This bill is being considered during an unprecedented global pandemic, in which manufacturing workers are supplying Americans with the medicine, protective equipment and goods necessary to defeat COVID-19. If the PRO Act were to pass, critical supply chains used to manufacture and transport the COVID-19 vaccine, PPE, ventilation equipment and food would be threatened and susceptible to disruptions.

For those reasons, the undersigned organizations urge you to oppose the PRO Act when it comes to a vote in Congress.
